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Committee Applications 2023

NJ TSA is pleased to announce the 2023-2024 committee applications are open to all NJ TSA members! See below for details.

Thank you for your interest in New Jersey TSA State Committees and for your dedication to the development and success of the delegation! There are three committees available to apply for.

Promotional Development Committee

You are responsible for the development and implementation of marketing strategies for TSA’s social media outlets. You will be expected to advise on social media profiles, as well as identify trends, analyze engagement data, and answer questions, and ultimately boost engagement. You will be expected to work with others on the team to generate digital content, whether that be Instagram posts, YouTube videos, Tiktoks, podcasts, blogs, etc. People with experience in video editing, photography, and graphic design are highly sought after. We are looking for committed and creative students who work well with others.


Fundraising and Challenges Committee

You are responsible for creating fundraising strategies, and creating and implementing design challenges for TSA chapters.

General Responsibilities

  • Conceptualizes and designs (monthly/bi-monthly) challenges, works with State Officer Team to collaborate rubric for judging

  • Works in conjunction with the Promotional Development Committee to promote state-wide fundraisers and future design challenges.

  • Be able to successfully plan, organize, and execute novel ways to generate interest and resources in fundraisers.

  • Be able to create impromptu design challenges.


Chapter Affairs Committee

This committee appeals to TSA members who are proactive initiators and extroverted personalities. The responsibilities of this board require the most collaboration both within the state board and within the state. You will be expected to keep in close contact with chapter presidents, reach out to schools who have never heard of TSA, and offer assistance to chapters who are in their early stages of transition to a more developed chapter. You will then be asked to creatively generate ideas on how to further develop these chapters and take steps towards implementing those ideas for them. You will also be responsible for outreach to professionals in academia and industry for events such as guest speaker appearances and informational field trips. You will provide assistance in running ChapterCons: an in-person design challenge series against other TSA chapters. You will also be tasked with the responsibility of assisting with elections. Ultimately, you will be the TSA support system for chapters.

