Hello NJ TSA! My name is Ruchir Bodicherla, and I am your 2020-2021 State Parliamentarian. I’m currently a senior at the Marine Academy of Science and Technology, and I’ve been a part of TSA since my freshman year. I’ve attended three state conferences (one virtual), two leadership conferences, and the 2019 National TSA Conference, where I placed in Video Game Design and was a finalist in Cybersecurity. I’ve also competed in Chapter Team, Digital Video Production, and On-Demand Video, and I’m a member of TSA Technology Honor Society. TSA is my favorite extracurricular by far, and I love competing in events, helping out other groups, and just being involved with the club in general. Outside of TSA, I’m a member of my school’s academic team, and I volunteer at my temple and local library. Besides that, I’m a huge fan of video games and movies, although I like reading novels, too. This year might be a little different than normal, but I look forward to experiencing it with all of you. Let’s make it a great one!