President: Aparna Ragupathi
Hello New Jersey TSA! My name is Aparna Ragupathi and I am your NJ TSA State President. I am currently a junior at High Technology High School, and this is my 6th year in TSA. I’ve attended four national conferences and have placed in events such as Essays on Technology and Prepared Presentation. TSA has become a large part of my life, and I am very excited to contribute all I can to the organization. Outside of TSA, I am a Bharatanatyam dancer and an editor for Curious Science Writers. I also play trombone for the Howell Marching Rebels and take part in my school’s student government. This year, I look forward to sharing my love for TSA and working together to "Define our Future" and make NJ TSA the best it can be.
Vice-President: Anthony Sette
Hello fellow NJ TSA Members! My name is Anthony Sette and you have no idea how excited I am to be representing you as the New Jersey TSA Vice President. This is my third year in TSA, and I am proud to have attended two NJ TSA State Conferences and two National TSA Conferences. I attended the National Conferences for Vex Robotics, Engineering Design, and Tech Bowl. Throughout my TSA journey, I've always wanted to introduce upcoming students and people to new technology, and new fields in the engineering world (I currently do so on my technology based Instagram @Settech). Now that I hold position of NJ TSA Vice President, I am making it my duty to share my passion with all of you. Outside of TSA I do gymnastics, and enjoy tinkering with futuristic technology in my garage. I have two prosthetic hand prototypes, a glove that converts sign language to speech, and an RFID garage door opener to scan my debit card to open the door, rather than typing the 4 digit pin.
I look forward to sharing this year with you, and want you to feel free to bring any questions or problems you have to me so that I can help. :-)
Secretary: Isabel Catugas
Hello NJ TSA! My name is Isabel Catugas and I am your NJ TSA State Secretary. I am a senior at Clearview Regional High School in Mullica Hill and this will be my fourth year in TSA. I have competed in Engineering Design and Biotechnology Design and have placed at the State level for Biotechnology Design these past two years. I have been fortunate enough to also compete at the national level for Biotechnology Design. Along with TSA, music is also one of my passions. I have played trumpet in Clearview’s concert and marching band and also mellophone during my freshman year of marching band. I’ve also been playing the piano since I was 5 and recently, I learned to play the ukulele. Music is something that I find a lot of joy in doing along with competing in TSA. I am looking forward to working with you all through New Jersey TSA this year!
Treasurer: Meghan Moir
Hi NJ TSA! I am Meghan Moir and currently a junior at Howell High School. This will be my 6th year in TSA and I am very excited to be your state Treasurer! I have attended 5 national conferences competing and placing in manufacturing prototype, career prep, and many other events. I look forward to bringing my experience with me and contribute to NJ TSA. Other than TSA I have played soccer for 12 years now and have ran track for the past 6 years. I am also part of my school's Key Club and I actively volunteer around my community. I am very excited to work with the rest of the officer team to help grow NJ TSA to its full potential.
Sergeant-At-Arms: Seth Britton
Hi New Jersey TSA! I am Seth Britton, your State Sergeant-at-Arms. I am currently a Junior at the Marine Academy of Science and Technology on Sandy Hook. This will be my third year in TSA. I was able to attend Nationals in Nashville this year and competed in the Engineering Design competition. TSA has quickly earned a place close to my heart, and I’m ready to give everything I have for our state! Outside of TSA, I have played piano for 10 years. I also row and coach at Navesink River Rowing, a Club Crew Team in Red Bank. Lastly, I’m a huge Pop Culture Nerd, so don’t be afraid to strike up a conversation with me about music, movies, or anything else related to pop culture. I am so excited for this year, so let’s make it a good one!
Historian: Darren Schachter
Hi New Jersey TSA! My name is Darren Schachter and I am your New Jersey TSA State Historian. I am a junior at High Technology High School, and this is my third year in TSA. Over the past two years, I have competed and placed in Technology Bowl and Technical Sketching and Application at both the state and national conferences. Joining TSA my freshman year is a decision I am so glad I made, and I hope I can share my passion for TSA with all of you! Along with TSA, I am also a member of my school's Robotics and Coding Club, and the VEX team, and I also play tennis and the piano. Some of my interests include physics, programming, and math. I can't wait for this upcoming year of TSA! It is sure to be one to remember!
Parliamentarian: Matthew Petersen
Hello New Jersey TSA members! My name is Matthew Petersen and I will be serving as your Parliamentarian this year. I am currently a senior at Howell High School, and as this is my last year in TSA I hope to make it a great one. Starting out in TSA in sixth grade, the organization has nurtured my passion for the STEM fields. As I look towards college, I am ecstatic that I have been provided so many opportunities to grow, thanks to TSA. Serving as an officer for the past three years has been a great pleasure of mine and I look forward to watching New Jersey TSA grow long after I graduate from High School.