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Running Your Chapter

There are many ways to run a local chapter of TSA. Once there is demonstrated interest in TSA, most chapters begin by electing officers to offices similar to those of National TSA, that is, the membership elects a president, vice president, secretary, treasurer, reporter, and sergeant-at-arms. Local officers and their responsibilities vary depending on the size of the chapter. Some established chapters hold officer elections in the spring for the following school year.

Sometimes the first order of business, even before setting up a meeting schedule, is to discuss what members want to accomplish during the year. Is participating in the competitive events a priority? Are members willing to work on the national service project? Is class time available for projects? How much time will be devoted to fund raising? Do members want to socialize too?

Once the group has a sense of its own ambitions, members or the advisor can determine a meeting schedule. At the very least, chapters meet monthly (either in class or as an extracurricular activity), and then add meetings when working on a special project or getting together for some fun. Students gain invaluable experience if the regular chapter meetings are taken very seriously and run as formal gatherings with the president presiding as the meeting proceeds through an established agenda. TSA recommends using Robert’s Rules of Order, Revised as a guide for parliamentary procedure.

Local chapters may also want to establish permanent “standing” committees to handle specific activities of the chapter such as public relations, fund raising, and entertainment. Sometimes temporary “ad hoc” committees are established to handle special projects.

Chapter advisors may contact the NJ TSA office, or National TSA with any questions or concerns they may have.
