This organization shall be known as the New Jersey Chapter of the Technology Student Association, and may be referred to as the New Jersey Technology Student Association, New Jersey TSA, or NJ TSA.
Section 1. The general purposes of this organization are:
- To develop, through group action, the ability of members to plan together, organize and carry out worthy activities and projects.
- To explore technology and technological civilization.
- To promote high standards of craftsmanship, scholarship, and safety.
- To provide good leisure time and recreational activities and hobbies.
- To encourage students in creative expression.
- To develop consumer knowledge in students.
- To instill desirable habits and attitudes toward the American way of life in students and foster deep respect for the dignity of work.
- To provide occupational information and instruction pertaining to a broadrange of occupations, including training requisites, working conditions, salaries or wages and other relevant information.
- To provide exploratory experiences in classrooms, laboratories and observations in business or industry to acquaint students with jobs in the occupations.
- To assist in providing guidance and counseling for students enrolled in technology education programs in making informed and meaningful choices in selected occupational fields.
- To prepare individuals for enrollment in advanced or highly skilled vocational and technical education programs.
- To expose students to the responsibility of representing a large membership.
Section 1. The New Jersey Chapter of the Technology Student Association is an organization of local chartered associations operating in accordance with a charter granted by the National TSA and the New Jersey Chapter of TSA.
Section 2. Each local chapter of New Jersey TSA will be responsible for all operational activities within that local chapter.
Section 3. Each local chapter is directly responsible to the state association.
Section 4. The administration of New Jersey TSA interests will be vested in the New Jersey TSA Executive Committee.
Section 5. A state advisor will have the responsibility of carrying out the administrative functions of the New Jersey TSA. The advisor will receive directions from the State Officers.
Section 6. The State Advisor will have the responsibilities of advising the Executive Committee.
Section 7. The New Jersey TSA Executive Committee will consist of all the New Jersey TSA State Officers and the New Jersey State Advisor. The New Jersey TSA President shall serve as chairperson. The advisors of State Officers, granted staff, and invited guests have the ability to attend Executive Committee sessions. Only the eight state officers carry voting rights.
Section 1. A local chapter must have a group of members on the roll in good standing who meet the conditions specified in Sections 2-6 of Article IV in order to receive a charter.
Section 2. The local association will accept for membership, any student enrolled in or having completed satisfactorily any industrial arts/technology education course.
Section 3. Each local chapter and state association shall be open for membership to all students regardless of race, color, creed, sex, or national origin.
Section 4. Should a member violate the pledge or cast unsatisfactory reflections on the state or local association or school, his or her name may be removed from the active role by two-thirds vote of the members present at the meeting.
Section 5. Membership is limited to students of the Local Education Agency sponsoring the association.
Section 6. An industrial arts/technology education teacher shall be affiliated with the local association as a local TSA associated advisor.
Section 7. Persons engaged in the fields of education, business, and industry, who have manifested a sustained interest in the welfare of industrial/technological pursuits, may be elected to honorary membership and enjoy all rights and privileges of the association except holding office or voting.
Section 8. Former active members in good standing may obtain alumni membership after separation from school by paying annual dues, but cannot hold office or have the right to vote.
Section 1. The officers of the State Association shall be a President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Reporter, Sergeant-at-Arms, Historian, and Parliamentarian.
Section 2. Only active members of Level 1 or Level 2 chapters will be eligible for state office. To be eligible to serve as officers, students must obtain the written approval of an industrial arts/technology education teacher and the school principal.
Section 3. Officers shall be elected during or after the annual New Jersey State High School Competitive Events Conference and instated after the National Conference that same year. Officers will serve until the commencement of the following year’s National TSA Conference. Officers may be re-elected for another year so long as they have at least one year of High School remaining.
Section 4. The Executive Committee must fill, by appointment, any vacancy except the President, which is filled by the Vice-President, for the remainder of the term.
Section 5. State officers shall be elected by a majority vote of the voting delegates during or a time after the New Jersey High School State Competitive Events Conference.
Section 6. Each chartered chapter is eligible to nominate two candidates. If a chapter has a candidate for President or Vice-President, the remaining candidate must run for one of the remaining six offices. If a chapter chooses not to run a President or Vice President candidate, the chapter may run two candidates for the remaining offices.
Section 1. A State Leadership Conference may be held each year with the time and place to be designated by the Executive Committee.
Section 2. A minimum of one state meeting shall be held each year.
Section 3. Parliamentary procedure for all meetings of New Jersey TSA shall be governed by Roberts Rules of Order, Revised.
Section 1. All Executive Committee members shall be expected to attend all Executive Committee meetings.
Section 2. Three unexcused absences may invalidate Executive Committee membership, requiring two-thirds vote to reinstate.
Section 3. Regular school excuses shall be accepted as valid excuses for absences.
Section 1. A candidate for the Executive Committee must be elected and initiated as a state officer at a time after the National TSA Conference in the year they were elected.
Section 2. Initiation shall be conducted by the outgoing Executive Committee or the State Advisor, when applicable.
Section 3. If an Executive Committee candidate not be present at the first State Officer meeting where the new Executive Committee is initiated, he or she will be initiated at the first Executive Committee meeting they attend by the State Advisor.
Section 1. A quorum at New Jersey State Executive Committee meetings shall be three of the elected state officers.
Section 1. The motto of the New Jersey Chapter of the Technology Student Association will be: “Learning to Lead in a Technical World”.
Section 2. The creed of the New Jersey Technology Student Association will be:
“I believe that Technology Education holds an important place believe there is a need for the development of good attitudes concerning work, tools, materials, experimentation, and processes of industry.
Guided by my teachers, artisans from industry, and my own initiative, I will strive to do my best in making my school, community, state, and nation better places in which to live.
I will accept the responsibilities that are mine. I will accept the theories that are supported by proper evidence. I will explore on m my own for safer, more effective methods of working and living.
I will strive to develop a cooperative attitude and will exercise tact and respect for other individuals.
Through the work of my hands and mind, I will express my ideas to the best of my ability.
I will make it my goal to do better each day the task before me, and to be steadfast in my belief in my God, and my fellow Americans.”
Section 1. The TSA emblem is a rectangular shape with three parts. The middle section and the largest part of the emblem contains the letters TSA in a very large bold print. The letters are white on a blue background. Below these letters and about 1/3 the size, is the name of the association – Technology Student Association – in white letters on a red background. The top portion of the emblem is a blank red rectangular space, the same size as the bottom area. This portion is intentionally left blank so that each state can put their own name on the emblem if desired.
The logo is a modern, futuristic symbol that represents the association’s commitment to technology and its impact on the future.
Section 2. The colors of TSA shall be scarlet (red), white and blue.
A. Scarlet (red) – represents the strength and determination of the technology education students and teachers to obtain their goal.
B. White – represents the high standards, morals, and religious beliefs we hold.
C. Blue (navy) – represents the sincerity of the technology education students and teachers in obtaining greater knowledge of our technical world.
Section 1. A. Amendments shall be suggested by the active members of the association.
B. Amendments shall be submitted in writing to the TSA State Advisor and signed by at least two members.
C. The State Advisor will present in writing the proposed amendments to the State Executive Committee, at least (45) days prior to any State Conference.
D. The State Executive Committee will submit, in writing all proposed amendments to each local association for study at least (21) days prior to any state conference.
E. Two-thirds vote of the delegates present shall be necessary for its adoption.
All provisions contained in these by-laws shall be considered a part of the Constitution of the New Jersey chapter of the Technology Student Association.
The principal offices of the State Association shall be located at the Local Education Agency who is managing the grant as determined by the New Jersey Department of Education.
Section 1. State Association
A. State officers shall be elected by delegates who have been selected by the local associations. Each local association is entitled to two (2) delegates for the purpose of electing officers and transacting business of the state association.
B. To be eligible for a state office, a student must be an active member of a NJ-TSA chapter.
C. Candidates for state office must be in grades 9-12 when he or she serves as an officer.
D. Nomination of state officers shall be submitted on a nomination form to the executive secretary at least three weeks before the annual state election.
E. All voting shall be by ballot.
F. Graduating seniors are not qualified to hold a state office.
Section 2. Vacancies
A. Vacancies that occur for state offices due to the lack of candidates for that office, may be filled by either of the following methods:
- nominations from the floor, during the election of state officers
- or by appointment of the NJ-TSA Executive Committee
B. A vacancy occurring in the unexpired term of the state president shall automatically be filled by the Vice-President.
C. A vacancy occurring in the unexpired term of the office of Vice-President, Secretary, Reporter, Treasurer, Sergeant-at-Arms, Historian, or Parliamentarian may be made by appointment of the executive committee.
Section 1. President
President shall:
- Preside at and conduct all meetings according to Parliamentary procedure.
- Make necessary committee appointments including the designation of committee chairpersons.
- Develop with the Executive Committee a program of work for his or her term of office.
- Call upon other officers to take the chair when necessary or desirable.
- Keep all association activities progressing in a satisfactory manner.
- Represent the association in outside activities.
Section 2. Vice-President
Vice-President shall:
- Assist the President.
- Serve as the President in the absence of the President.
- Succeed the President in case of vacancy.
- Be chairperson of the membership and program committees.
- Meet with and be responsible for all committees.
Section 3. Secretary
Secretary shall:
- Record, prepare and read minutes at each meeting.
- Count and record member votes when taken.
- Read correspondence and communications at meetings.
- Keep the association’s permanent records.
- Post notices to members pertaining to associational activities and send invitations to guests.
- Be responsible for all occasional correspondence.
- Call the meeting to order in the absence of a presiding officer.
Section 4. Treasurer
Treasurer shall:
- Report all financial standings at each meeting.
- Keep an accurate record of receipts and payments.
- Obtain and present ideas and suggestions for increasing the treasury and financing club activities.
- Prepare annual budget.
Section 5. Reporter
Reporter shall:
- Serve As editor of The New Jersey Beacon, the official newsletter of NJ TSA.
- Prepare articles for publication.
- Contact local chapter reporters requesting articles for publication in the NJ Beacon.
- Be an active member of the state’s social media team.
Section 6. Sergeant-at-Arms
Sergeant-at-Arms shall:
- Arrange the meeting room and care for chapter paraphernalia.
- Attend the door during meetings and welcome visitors.
- Take charge of candidates prior to and during installation.
- Assist with entertainment, refreshments, and other details connected with programs.
Section 7. Historian
Historians shall:
- Act as record keeper of the Association
- Keep news clippings and pictures of all club activities in the association’s publicity and record book.
- Assist with the planning and arranging of association exhibits.
Section 8. Parliamentarian
Parliamentarians shall:
- Make sure each meeting is conducted in accordance with the proper parliamentary procedure being Robert’s Rules of Order.
- Advise the President and other members of the Executive Committee on all parliamentary comments and corrections.
- Assist in answering all parliamentary inquiries.
- Serve for judgment along with the President on whether motions are in accordance with Roberts Rules of Order.
Section 9. State Advisor
State Advisor shall:
- Work with local, regional, state officers, and sponsors.
- Notify local advisors upon receiving the local association’s affiliation application.
- Advise the chapter officers and members in all matters concerning NJ TSA.
- Serve as the Executive Advisor and carry out the association business under the direction of the Executive Committee.
- Maintain professional participation.
Section 1.
A. State membership dues shall be fixed by the Executive Committee of NJ TSA. They are to be sent to the National TSA with state dues.
B. National dues shall be as set forth by National TSA. They are to be sent to the National TSA with state dues.
Section 2. All state funds shall be used to conduct the NJ TSA organization.
Section 3. Property at the state level shall belong to the State Association.
Section 1. Standing Committees
A. Executive Committee
i. All elected state officers and the State Advisor of NJ TSA shall be members of the Executive Committee. Only state officers carry voting rights.
ii. The State President will act as chairperson of this committee.
iii. The Executive Committee will act as the only Standing Committee of New Jersey TSA.
B. Standing Committees are permanent bodies of New Jersey TSA, and thus the committees are affixed in the Constitution and bylaws unless amended.
Section 2. Special Committees
A. Special committees may be appointed by the President whenever deemed necessary.
B. The chairperson of these committees will be appointed by the President.
C. These committees shall last annually, and will have the option to be renewed for the following year by the next year’s Executive Committee, unless otherwise stated by the Board that established it.
Section 1. Dress
A. Official TSA Dress
Blazer: navy blue with TSA patch
Tie or Scarf: scarlet red
Shirt or blouse: white, with collar
Pants or Skirt: light gray
Socks: black or nylon hosiery
B. Business-like attire will minimally be considered to include:
Collared shirt/blouse
Long pants (preferably dress slacks)
Dress shoes
The state association shall report the names of newly elected officers and local chapters each year through the New Jersey State TSA Advisor to the National Association.
Section 1.
A. Amendments shall be suggested by the active members of the association.
B. Amendments shall be submitted in writing to the TSA State Advisor and signed by at least two members.
C. The State Advisor will present in writing the proposed amendments to the State Executive Committee, at least (45) days before any state conference.
D. The State Executive Committee will submit, in writing all proposed amendments to each local association for study at least (21) days before any State Conference.
E. Two-thirds vote of the delegates present shall be necessary for its adoption.
We will conduct ourselves in such manner as to be a credit to our organization, our schools, and our state at all times by:
1. Respecting the rights of others.
2. Respecting the property of others.
3. Practicing courtesy at all times.
4. Being honest and sincere.
5. Being conscious of our personal appearance and dressing appropriately.
6. Taking pride in our organization and its works.
7. Controlling self behavior and language.
8. Respecting the other persons opinions and being tactful with any criticisms.
9. Demonstrating fair play in all competitive activities.
10. Sharing educational experiences with others.