The mission of the NJ TSA Alumni Association is to serve as ambassadors for TSA and Technology Education by creating an environment where people and communities can develop their potential for premier leadership, personal growth and career success.
The vision of the NJ TSA Alumni Association is to mentor, motivate and assist in the development of a community where students, advisors and others can grow, develop and advance excellence in TSA and technological literacy to their fullest potential.
The NJ TSA Alumni Council is responsible for the policies and strategic planning of the National TSA Alumni Association. This Council serves as the executive body of the association. The Council meets at least once a year. Members of the Council do not receive a salary for their work on the Council. The NJ TSA Alumni Association members elect the TSA Alumni President Elect annually from the members of the Council. The procedures for filling the positions of the NJ TSA Alumni Council are established by the NJ TSA Alumni Association Bylaws.
Name and Emblem
Section I. The name of this NJ TSA organization affiliate shall be the NJ TSA Alumni Association henceforth referred to as “the Association.”
Section II. The Association emblem is a rectangular shape with three parts. The middle section and largest part of the emblem contains the letters TSA in a very large, bold print. The letters are white on a blue background. Below these letters and about 1/3 the size, is the name of the association – NJ Technology Student Association – in white letters on a red background. The top portion of the emblem is a red, rectangular shape, the same size as the bottom area and contains the word “Alumni.”
Section III. The colors of the Association shall be scarlet (red), white, and navy (blue). Scarlet represents the strength and determination of the technology education students and teachers to obtain their goal. White represents high standards, morals, and religious beliefs. Navy represents the sincerity of the technology education students and teachers in obtaining greater knowledge of our technological world.
Section I. The purpose of the Association shall be:
A. To support and promote TSA activities and technology education on local, state and national levels.
B. To provide assistance to NJ TSA along with state and local technology educators through the involvement of former members, supporters and volunteers.
C. To promote greater knowledge of technology education and support education at the local, state and national levels.
D. To cooperate with the NJ TSA Staff and National TSA.
E. To promote the personal development of TSA and the Association.
Section I. The Association is an affiliate of the National TSA organization.
Section II. The Association consists of chartered state organizations, local affiliates and members-at-large, and operates in partnership with National TSA. Any group using the name “TSA Alumni” must affiliate and charter with its state organization, as well as with the Association. National dues must be received on behalf of each member. In the event that no state organization is established, direct affiliation may be made through the Association.
Section III. A state alumni organization shall be eligible to become chartered when:
A. It is organized with at least 20 members who have affiliated through the Association.
B. It has bylaws and/or a constitution subordinate to this governing document of the Association.
Section IV. A local affiliate (high school) shall be eligible to become chartered when:
A. It has charter members who have paid dues through the Association and state organization (if applicable). The local affiliate will be known as the ____________High School TSA Alumni Affiliate of the State of New Jersey.
B. It has bylaws and/or a constitution subordinate to this governing document of the Association and its respective state organization.
C. If the local TSA program no longer exists, the local alumni may affiliate directly with the state alumni organization.
Section V. The state TSA alumni organization and local affiliates are eligible to maintain affiliation status provided the requirements stated in this article are met.
Section VI. Membership-at-Large is designated for members that do not have a local affiliate or state organization, and pay dues directly to the Association.
Section I. Membership shall be open to any former TSA member who is no longer in high school.
Section II. Annual membership
A. All annual members have equal class and privileges; there is no associate, honorary, privileged or lesser class of membership.
B. Annual membership dues of the Association shall be recommended by the National TSA Alumni Council and fixed by a majority vote of the members present at the annual meeting, to take place at the National Conference.
C. State organizations and local affiliates may establish their own dues for annual membership in addition to the national dues.
D. Membership renewal procedures are conducted by a roster system. State organizations are to return member rosters to the National TSA office on an annual basis.
Section I. The officers of the NJ TSA Alumni Council will be the President, the President Elect, and the immediate Past President.
Section II. Duties and qualifications of officers
A. President
1. The President will be an individual who has served as the President Elect the previous year.
2. The President will be the principal officer of the Association.
3. It will be the President’s duty to preside at all meetings of the NJ TSA Alumni Council and the Association and to carry out the general mission and objectives of the Association.
4. The President will be an ex-officio member of all committees, except for the nominating committee.
B. President Elect
1. The President Elect, at the direction of the President, will act in the President’s behalf, and perform such duties as are usual and customary of a vice president.
2. Should the President not be able or available to perform the assigned duties of that office, the President Elect will assume the duties of that office, until such time as the President is able to resume such duties or until the President Elect completes the unexpired term of office of the President along with his/her successive term as President.
3. The President Elect is elected annually by a majority of voting members at the annual meeting.
4. The President Elect shall keep official record of all regular and special meetings of the NJ TSA Alumni Council and the NJ TSA Alumni Association.
C. Past President
1. The Past President is the immediate Past President of the National TSA Alumni Council.
2. Should the President Elect not be able or available to perform the assigned duties of that office, the Past President will assume the duties of that office, until such time as the President Elect is able to resume such duties or until the NJ TSA Alumni Council appoints a person to complete the unexpired term of office of the President Elect.
Executive Body
Section I. The executive body of the NJ TSA Alumni Association shall be the NJ TSA Alumni Council, henceforth known as “the Council,” which is subordinate to the NJ TSA Staff.
A. The State Advisor of NJ TSA, Inc. shall serve as an ex-officio (non-voting) member.
Section II. Duties of the Council
A. The duties of the Council are to direct the operation of the Association in accordance with its bylaws.
B. The Council shall develop the Association’s annual program of work, for approval by the NJ TSA Staff. The program of work deals with those activities and objectives to be accomplished by the Association.
C. A financial report will be made annually to the membership and to the NJ TSA Staff.
D. Any council member may be removed from the Council for just cause by a 2/3 vote of the Council.
E. Should the President be removed from office, the current President¬ Elect will assume the Presidency and complete the term of the removed President as well as serving their one-year term. In such case, the current Past President may remain on the council. If the Past President chooses not to remain on the council, the position will remain unfilled, until the current President completes their term and becomes Past President.
F. Except for the offices of President and President Elect, any vacancy on the Council shall be filled by the Association officers.
G. Whenever a vacancy of an elected member occurs, other than from expiration of the term of office, a special election will be held by ballot vote to fill the office within thirty days.
Section III. Reimbursements
A. Members of the Council shall not be paid a salary for their work as a member of the Council.
B. All members are responsible for their own expenses associated with participation in the Association activities and meetings.
C. Fundraising and other activities utilizing the TSA name, logo, or emblem must adhere to the NJ and National TSA trademark policies.
Section I. There shall be an annual meeting of the Association that will be held concurrently with the NJ TSA State Conference. Additional membership meetings may be called by the President or by a majority of the Council members in a petition to the State Advisor.
Section II. A quorum for the Association annual meeting will consist of a majority of the members in attendance.
Section III. Reports and Audits
A. A report of the Association activities, meetings, and financial transactions shall be made at the annual meeting.
B. Records of the Association may be inspected by any member or his agent at any reasonable time.
C. The fiscal year and reporting year are consistent with that of NJ TSA.
Section IV. There shall be an annual meeting of the Council prior to the annual meeting of the Association.
Section V. A quorum for the annual meeting of the Council will consist of the majority of the council members.
Section I. The Council shall have the following standing committees:
• Finance
• Awards
• Membership
• Public Relations
• Resolutions and Bylaws
Section II. These standing committees must report on their activities at each council meeting.
Section III. The President has the authority to create special committees and appoint Association members to these committees.
Parliamentary Authority
The rules contained in the current edition of Robert Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern the Association in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with these bylaws and any special rules of order the association may adopt.
Section I. Proposed amendments to the Association bylaws may be submitted by the Council, state organizations, local affiliates, or by any active member; any of which must be in good standing. Proposed amendments must be in writing and received by the State Advisor 90 days prior to the opening of the annual meeting.
Section II. Proposed amendments will be reviewed by the Council and sent to the members with one of the following three recommendations.
• Recommend adoption
• No recommendation
• Do not recommend adoption
The amendments shall be submitted to the membership at least 60 days prior to the opening date of the annual meeting.
Section III. If the proposed amendment is unclear or incomplete, the Council will return it to the party making the proposal for clarification and/or perfection prior to being decided on by the Council.
Section IV. Affirmation by 2/3 of the members present at the annual meeting shall be necessary to adopt an amendment.
Section V. Amendments adopted by the Association must be approved by the NJ TSA Staff prior to ratification.