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Dress Code

Students are required to wear either “official TSA” or “business-like attire” to all NJ TSA events.

Descriptions of acceptable attire are listed below:

Official TSA attire:

Blazer: navy blue with TSA patch
Ties/Scarves: scarlet red (males only)
Shirt or Blouse: official TSA shirt (royal blue) or white button-down
Slacks or Skirt: light gray
Shoes: black dress shoes
Socks: black or nylon hosiery

Business-like attire is considered to minimally include:

  • collared shirt/blouse
  • long pants (no shorts or jeans)
  • dresses/skirts
  • socks/hosiery
  • appropriate footwear

The official NJ TSA or National Polo Shirt may be substituted for a collared shirt/blouse.

For more information or to purchase items, go to this link from National TSA.
