Registration is completed online.
Before you begin, PLEASE NOTE:
1. Print and follow the registration directions listed below.
2. Only advisors have access to the registration site.
3. You can go in, complete part of your registration, save it, then finish later. Remember, you can edit your registration up until the given deadline.
4. When you are finished with your registration, you will see the total that you owe. Print out a copy of your invoice for your school’s records. This amount is due to “TCNJ – NJ TSA.”
5. Upon registering students online, they are automatically assigned an ID#. This number needs to be on student projects. School and individual names SHOULD NOT BE ON PROJECTS.
6. Middle School Students may participate in ONE on-site event, and no more than SIX total events. High School Students may participate in ONE on-site event, and no more than FOUR total events.
7. Purchase orders or full payment must be received by NJ TSA no later than 2 weeks prior to the conference. You will be charged the full amount on your registration invoice. Payment must be made out to “TCNJ – NJ TSA.” Checks labeled without “TCNJ” are subject to being returned to sender.
Directions for State Conference Registration
1) High School Advisors – Go to
Middle School Advisors – Go to
2) Click on Conference Registration.
3) If you registered for the conference last year, you may use the same username/password and your school information (address, email, etc.) should already be in the system.
If you did not register last year, you will have to create a new username/password and enter your school information in the required fields.
Once this is done, click Submit.
4) To register yourself or your students, click Add New Name.
5) Enter the name and indicate the status (i.e. Student, Advisor or Guest).
6) Check off the events for that student, indicating what team they are on for team events (i.e. Team 1, Team 2, etc.).
7) Click Submit.
8) You can save and finish later, or complete your registration. Even if you complete your registration, you can go back in and make changes until the final deadline.
9) When you are done, click View Registration. (You can sort it by Participant or Event.) Print out a copy of your invoice. This amount is due to TCNJ – NJ TSA.
10) Click Confirm to finalize your registration.
11) Make sure you Logout.