Hello NJ TSA! I hope that everyone is having a fantastic start to 2022! As your state Treasurer this year, I am here to help all New Jersey chapters with any fundraising goals they may want to achieve. Trust me, I know that fundraising is a lot easier said than done. It takes much preparation, time, and commitment. Although raising money can be stressful, I am here to help you have FUN while FUNdraising with these helpful tips!
Tip #1 : Understanding Your School’s Regulations
With these uncertain times, school regulations about being virtual, hybrid, or in-person are constantly changing. Knowing what the rules are in your school can better help you plan what type of fundraiser you should hold. For example, if your school is in a virtual setting, you may want to look into doing a live online event for your fundraiser, or create an online website to collect money. If your school is in-person, you can look into doing fundraising that is more physical, such as a bake sale. Reaching out to your school’s Principal, Vice Principal, club director, and TSA advisor is a great way to figure out what the current regulations for clubs are in your school.
Tip #2 : Clear Communication
Communication is key! Consistent and direct communication can mitigate conflict, build trust, increase productivity, and fuel innovation! Keep clear communication with everyone you are working with before, during, and after your fundraising event. To begin, share fundraising ideas with your advisor and chapter officer team. Get their opinions and start to make a plan. Be sure to keep everyone informed about your arrangements and notify them if anything changes.
Tip #3 : Advertise!
Once you have a set plan for your chapter’s fundraiser, you want to be sure people hear about it. The more people who know about the fundraiser, the more money you will raise! Talking to friends and family, sharing on social media, making posters to put in hallways, and speaking on morning or afternoon loudspeaker announcements are great ways to get the word out about your chapter’s fundraiser.
Hopefully these helpful tips will encourage you and your chapter to fundraise this year! If you are a NJ TSA chapter treasurer, be sure to join my Remind with the class code @njtsatr . Happy FUNdraising!
Aspen Tabar
NJ TSA State Treasurer