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Jackson Liberty High School & NJ TSA

Jackson Liberty High School & NJ TSA

Trashion design challenge. President visiting Jackson Liberty Highschool.
On March 16th, State President Sahil Maher and State Reporter Khushi Patel held an assembly at Jackson Liberty High School to promote NJ TSA and encourage involvement. In a lecture hall with about 40 students, they conducted a creative, problem solving workshop called “Trashion.” Run similar to the popular TV series Chopped, students worked in groups to create a designer piece against the clock and were limited to just a few recycled materials. They were then asked to come up with a slogan for their designs and present their final pieces on the “runway.” Students demonstrated extraordinary creativity, adaptability, and exemplary presentation skills all throughout the afternoon and the workshop was a wonderful success. The last half of the assembly was blocked off for a presentation on the opportunities within TSA and the steps needed towards renewing a sustainable chapter.


We thank Jackson Liberty for allowing us to visit your school, work with your kids, and spread TSA joy.